More choice in managed funds
Ask and you shall receive—four new managed funds issued by Milford Asset Management have been added to Sharesies!

Why Milford? 🏔️
Back in September 2021, we put a poll to our Share Club Facebook Group asking investors which New Zealand fund manager they’d like to see on Sharesies.
Over 60% came back saying they were keen on funds from Milford Asset Management—a New Zealand-based and award-winning investment firm with over $16 billion in funds under management.
And now, they’ve arrived! Investors can now find four new managed funds issued by Milford on Sharesies:
Milford Aggressive Fund—Invests mainly in international shares, with some Australasian shares in there too.
Milford Active Growth Fund—Invests primarily in shares, with some fixed interest securities (think bonds).
Milford Trans-Tasman Equity Fund—Mainly invests in Australasian shares.
Milford Australian Absolute Growth Fund—Invests in Australasian shares, along with a few select investments in international shares and cash.
Read the fund’s product disclosure statement (PDS) to get a full picture of its fees and investing objectives—the PDS can be found through the Sharesies app or on Milford’s website.
“We are delighted that Sharesies customers now have access to our award-winning team. Our active investment approach is focused on finding the best investments whilst managing the downside risk when markets are less favourable. We look forward to a successful partnership with Sharesies and their investors.” — Mark Ryland, Milford CEO.
Getting started with managed funds 🍍
To start investing in managed funds, sign up to Sharesies, or log in and:
Go to Invest > Search all investments > Filter
Under Types, select ‘Managed funds’.
When you invest in a managed fund, there are a few things you need to know:
You’re able to add these funds to a DIY auto-invest
Fees for managed funds work a bit differently than shares or ETFs. Full details can be found in a funds’ Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), but the main points are:
Managed funds may charge a transaction fee when you buy and sell units in the fund (also known as a ‘spread fee’). The fee is added to the price when you buy and deducted from the price when you sell.
Management fees will apply, and will differ between managed funds.
Both of these are charged by the fund, not Sharesies.
A currency conversion fee may also apply.
The unit prices for managed funds are only updated once a day—after the market has closed and once the net asset value for the investments within the fund have been calculated.
Similarly, managed funds have differing processing times, which may mean there’s a delay between placing an order and it being settled. This may have an impact on investment liquidity.
Want to know more? Check out our blog on the investment process for managed funds on Sharesies.
Have your say 💭
As always, before investing, make sure to do your due diligence, consider your risk appetite, and look at how these funds might fit within your wider investment strategy and Portfolio. Read the fund’s PDS to get a full picture of its fees and investing objectives—the PDS can be found through the Sharesies app or on the provider’s website. Sharesies receives a fee from Milford for distributing these funds.
If there are any other specific funds you’re keen to see on Sharesies, let us know!
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Investing involves risk. You aren’t guaranteed to make money, and you might lose the money you start with. We don’t provide personalised advice or recommendations. Any information we provide is general only and current at the time written. You should consider seeking independent legal, financial, taxation or other advice when considering whether an investment is appropriate for your objectives, financial situation or needs.
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