Base funds
Choose from six diversified base funds, ranging from a lower-risk conservative fund to a higher-risk high growth fund.

How base funds work
A base fund is like the foundation of your investment plan. Each invests solely in a single underlying fund with its own investment mix, risk rating, and suggested investment timeframe.
Your investment plan can be made up of a single base fund, or for greater diversification, you can select multiple base funds from a range of fund providers.
On top of your base fund selection, you can also choose your own self-select investments.
Coming soon
Sharesies US 500 Fund
Get simplified exposure to US markets via your base fund, at a low cost.

Base funds to build on
You’ve got the choice of six diversified base funds. Choose one, or choose multiple—you’ll be able to decide how much gets invested into each.
Filter by fund type to see more info about growth, balanced, and conservative funds.
Fund types
High growth funds (1)
Sharesies Milford Aggressive Fund
This is a higher-risk fund with potential for higher returns over time. It invests solely in the Milford Aggressive Fund.
10+ yearsinvestment timeframe
Higherrisk rating
1.15%annual fund charge
More high growth base funds are on the way!
Growth funds (3)
Sharesies Pathfinder Ethical Growth Fund
This is a higher-risk fund with potential for higher returns over time. It invests solely in the Pathfinder Ethical Growth Fund.
8+ yearsinvestment timeframe
Higherrisk rating
1.32%annual fund charge
Sharesies Pie Global Growth 2 Fund
This is a higher-risk fund with potential for higher returns over time. It invests solely in the Pie Global Growth 2 Fund.
5+ yearsinvestment timeframe
Higherrisk rating
1.52%annual fund charge
Sharesies Smart Growth Fund
This is a higher-risk fund with potential for higher returns over time. It invests solely in the SuperLife Growth Fund.
9+ yearsinvestment timeframe
Higherrisk rating
0.51%annual fund charge
More growth base funds are on the way!
Balanced funds (1)
Sharesies Smart Balanced Fund
This is a medium-risk fund with potential for medium returns over time. It invests solely in the SuperLife Balanced Fund.
8+ yearsinvestment timeframe
Mediumrisk rating
0.50%annual fund charge
More balanced base funds are on the way!
Conservative funds (1)
Sharesies Smart Conservative Fund
This is a medium-risk fund with potential for medium returns over time. It invests solely in the SuperLife Conservative Fund.
6+ yearsinvestment timeframe
Mediumrisk rating
0.47%annual fund charge
More conservative base funds are on the way!
Have a go at making a plan
See what an investment plan that’s as unique as you are could look like. Then, if you’re keen, use it to join straight away—or save it for later.
- Agriculture and fisheries
- Banking and finance
- Bonds and fixed income
- Energy and utilities
- Food and drink
- Healthcare
- Index funds
- Infrastructure
- Manufacturing
- Media
- Mining, oil and gas
- Property
- Responsible
- Retail
- Strategic funds
- Technology
- Tourism
- Transport
Your fees will flex based on what you pick, and how much you personalise your portfolio.
Product disclosure statement (PDS), fund updates, reports, statements, and policies.
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