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Go-to Guide: Investing during a market dip
Our Go-to Guide to investing during a market dip curates the info you need to remain steady—even if the share markets aren’t.
Across five easy-to-read emails, learn about what causes a share market dip through to what you could do in response.
Sign up now to get all five chapters emailed to you over five days.
Chapter 1
What causes a share market dip, and why?
Market dips can make investors from all walks of life feel uneasy—but understanding what’s going on makes dealing with them a whole lot easier. In chapter 1, we look at the history of market dips, and the conditions that contribute to one.

Chapter 2
Assessing your situation
Even though market dips aren’t uncommon, it can still be hard to know how to respond to one as an investor. In chapter 2, we start with the big picture—taking stock of your overall financial situation.

Chapter 3
Reviewing your portfolio
In chapter 3, we focus on your investment portfolio. Learn about diversification, performance, volatility, and making sure your portfolio is (still) in line with your investing strategy.

Chapter 4
Taking action
With the foundation laid, chapter 4 is about putting it all into practice. We cover potential actions you can take during a market dip, the different types of investments to consider, and doing your due diligence.

Chapter 5
Wrapping up
Chapter 5 is your handy reference for the Go-to Guide. It has a wrap of all the key learnings about investing during a market dip, as well as a quiz if you’re wanting to test your knowledge.