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The KiwiSaver scheme with real choice

Invest your KiwiSaver balance and ongoing contributions in the companies and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that matter to you most. It’s your money, your future. Make it yours!

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Make it uniquely you

With nearly 100 NZX-listed companies and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to pick from, you can build a KiwiSaver portfolio that reflects your values—not someone else’s.

A young woman looking off to the side holds a lime-green electric guitar. Superimposed next to her is an iPhone showing a screen in the Sharesies app. The screen shows a KiwiSaver investment portfolio, made up of the Pathfinder Ethical Growth Fund, the Smartshares NZ Top 50 Fund, Meridian Energy, and Infratil.

You call the shots

Add or remove your picks, or change your base fund, whenever works best for you, wherever you’re at in life. After all, you know you better than anyone else.

See where every dollar goes

Experience a more transparent KiwiSaver portfolio, with in-depth info about your investments, returns, and transactions.

How the Sharesies KiwiSaver Scheme works

Unlike conventional KiwiSaver schemes, our Scheme gives you the freedom to choose your own investments, with tools and limits to help you manage your portfolio’s risk and diversification.

A square with the words 'Investment plan' in the centre.

Start with a plan

Your first step toward a future that’s more you begins with making an investment plan. It tells us how you’d like your KiwiSaver balance and ongoing contributions invested.

A purple square representing an investment plan with "100% Base fund" in the bottom left corner.

Choose a base fund

You have six base funds to choose from, ranging from conservative to high growth. You can select a single base fund for your entire investment plan, or select multiple base funds for even greater diversification.

See base funds
A square representing an investment plan is half dark purple with "50% Base fund" in the bottom left corner. The other half is made up of 10 smaller squares with "5%" on each, representing the amount allocated into self-select investments.

Add your own picks

If you like, you can add your own choice of nearly 100 companies and ETFs listed on the NZX. Up to half of your plan can be allocated into your own picks, to a max of 5% in each pick.

See self-select investments
A square representing an investment plan is mostly dark purple with "80% Base fund" in the bottom left corner. The remaining part is made up of 4 smaller squares with "5%" on each, representing the amount allocated into self-select investments.

Change as your life changes

Goals, values, or risk appetite change? No worries—you can change your base funds, or your picks, whenever you like.

Learn about choosing investments

Ready to join?

Joining takes just minutes if you’ve got a Sharesies account and you’re over 18.

Get started

Don’t have a Sharesies account? Sign up now

Have a go at making a plan

See what an investment plan that’s as unique as you are could look like. Then, if you’re keen, use it to join straight away—or save it for later.

Make a plan
    • Agriculture and fisheries
    • Banking and finance
    • Bonds and fixed income
    • Energy and utilities
    • Food and drink
    • Healthcare
    • Index funds
    • Infrastructure
    • Manufacturing
    • Media
    • Mining, oil and gas
    • Property
    • Responsible
    • Retail
    • Strategic funds
    • Technology
    • Tourism
    • Transport


Your fees will flex based on what you pick, and how much you personalise your portfolio.


Product disclosure statement (PDS), fund updates, reports, statements, and policies.


We’ll report and pay tax at your prescribed investor rate (PIR) for you. You don’t need to lift a finger!

A hand holds an iPhone showing a KiwiSaver portfolio in the Sharesies app.

How to join

You’ll need to have a Sharesies account and be over 18. If you don’t already have an account, sign up now.

  1. Answer a couple of questions

    We’ll ask what you’re planning to use your KiwiSaver balance for, and the kind of funds you’re interested in.

  2. Make your investment plan

    Choose a base fund then, if you like, add additional base funds and self-select investments.

  3. We’ll take it from there!

    It’ll take us about 10 days to transfer your KiwiSaver account, or about five days to get you set up if you’re new to KiwiSaver.

Get started

More good stuff on the way

  • More you, with new self-select investments—including US and Australian shares

  • More choice, with a greater variety of base funds, and a multi-currency cash fund

  • More control, with the ability to add multiple base funds to your investment plan

Your future in one place

Experience a new level of connection with your investments, savings, and KiwiSaver account. Developing your wealth has never felt so personal.

Join now

Now for the legal bit

Investing involves risk. You aren’t guaranteed to make money, and you might lose the money you start with. We don’t provide personalised advice or recommendations. Any information we provide is general only and current at the time written. You should consider seeking independent legal, financial, taxation or other advice when considering whether an investment is appropriate for your objectives, financial situation or needs.
Sharesies Investment Management Limited is the issuer of the Sharesies KiwiSaver Scheme. The product disclosure statement (PDS) for the Sharesies KiwiSaver Scheme has been lodged, and may be viewed on the Disclose Register or on our documents page.